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Intelligent Open Systems Inc.

Get the Most out of your Remote Employees' time


Tictoks is the only workforce monitoring solution you’ll ever need to ensure employee productivity and effectiveness - no matter what industry you’re in.

Working on Laptop

Get the Best Remote Employee Monitoring Software
Improve your Employee Productivity by 30%

Tictoks is a Subscription-based Remote Employee Monitoring Software that exactly tells you of your employees’ Productive time, Idle time, Keystrokes & Application usage, Browser activities, and much more. 

30% improvement in remote employee's focus & productivity.


Create a mode of transparency and trust between you and your employees.


Enable recognition of your best performers.


Get actual Logins & Logout for the day.


Total time spent on work, meetings & break.


Boost remote employee's productivity by analyzing the areas of improvement.


Identify actual time spent on project and task.


100% transparency between remote teams & managers.


Reduce business operation cost by 40%.


Analyze the overall work efficiency of your organization through real-time data.


Why use Tictoks


Real-time Monitoring

Touchless Facial Recognition

Touchless Face Attendance captures and recognize the face of a remote employee while maintaining utmost security of your data.




Real-time Attendance Management

Monitor remote employee attendance effortlessly from check-in to check out. Application provides two-factor authentication for employees to ensure utmost security.


Remote Employee Productive Monitoring

Application Tracking

Monitors usage and time spent on each productive and non-productive applications. Get insights into all application activities of remote workers.




Browser History Monitoring

Tictoks monitor which websites remote employees use individually and each time spent on websites. This prevents the remote teams from using non-productive websites.

How Tictoks Monitor Employee Productivity


Proof of work

Keystroke Monitoring

Tictoks track total keystrokes, mouse clicks and mouse scrolls. This helps employers restrict remote workers from being idle and help them focus on their assigned goals.



Screenshot Monitoring​

Automatic screenshots of employee monitors can be captured at configured time intervals. This prevents the employee from indulging in unofficial activities.


Track your remote employee's work

Task Management


Track task from beginning to end, assigning subtasks to teammates, setting deadlines to make sure work gets done on time.



Active & Idle-time Monitoring

Tictoks monitors total working hours and idle time taken by remote workers. It helps employer to analyze productive hours of the entire organization with insightful charts.



Tictoks remote employee monitoring tool monitors activities only when employees are Checked In.


Manual Time

Employees can manually mark their missed attendance. It will be sent to the respective reporting managers for approval.


Offline Mode

Employees' data can be tracked even during offline mode. All data will be synchronized with your account once the device comes online.

Tictoks Respect Your Employee's Privacy


Ph Data Center in Makati

Tictoks allows you to stores your employees data in your own virtual server  access or our team will guide you to create new account, which can be accessed only by the user.



Google Drive Integration

For small organization, Tictoks allows to store employees data in affordable Google drive account. Data stored in the drive are accessible only by the user.

How Tictoks stores your data securely?

Choose the plan that's right for your organization.

Start your 14 day free trial. No credit card required. Cancel anytime. 

  • Most Popular


    Every month
    (per user per month)
    Valid for 12 months+ 14 day free trial
    • Facial Recognition
    • Mobile /Web Attendance
    • Remote Employee Attendance
    • Shift Management(Dynamic)
    • Time Sheet Management
    • Leave Management
    • Employee Communication
    • Attendance Regularization
    • Task Mapping
    • Configuration
    • Approval
    • SMS & Email Notifications
    • Keystroke Logging
    • Active Idle Time Stats
    • Break Time Monitoring
    • Random Screenshots
    • Browser History Tracking
    • Application Tracking
    • Employee Location Tracking
    • 30+ Reports

    Every month
    (per user per month)
    Valid for 12 months+ 14 day free trial
    • Facial Recognition
    • Mobile/Web Attendance
    • Remote Employee Attendance
    • Shift Management(Dynamic)
    • Time Sheet Management
    • Leave Management
    • Employee Communication
    • Attendance Regularization
    • Task Mapping
    • Configuration
    • Approval
    • SMS & Email Notifications
    • Keystroke Logging
    • Active Idle Time Stats
    • Break Time Monitoring
    • Random Screenshots
    • Browser History Tracking
    • Application Tracking
    • Employee Location Tracking
    • Business Analytics
    • Remote Employee Statistics
    • Productivity Statistics
    • Physical Keystroke Files
    • Top Performance Analytics
    • Navigation
    • Appreciation Employee Features
    • 50+ Reports

Try Tictoks Today!
Book a Demo to learn more. Ask us for 14 Days Free Trial.

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